Supreme Court Building

And the Demcrats have given us…..The MOST Conservative SCOTUS since 1934!

by Skip

Law of Unintended Consequence is how the Democrats did it – starting with the passage of Obamacare when they owned the Presidency, the House, and the Senate by majority proof  margins. The TEA Party movement flashed into being and the pushback on the Right hasn’t stopped. With the recent capturing of all three by Republicans because of the Democrat overreach during the Obama years, we got one of its goals:

Saturday’s confirmation marks more than the dramatic conclusion to a political battle that has waged for more than three months, and instead could mark an inflection point in a philosophical war that has raged for decades. The Supreme Court has not had a conservative majority since 1934, when the New Deal took hold and the Court moved to the left, giving the federal government vast new powers over economic issues. The Court massive broadened federal powers over commerce, taxing, and federal spending.

The New Deal did turn from being a court into being a supra-legislative body and the New Deal also started the process of turning the lower part of the Judiciary to the Left as well. it also served as a bulwark for Democrats that when they lost those New Deal majorities, they could always depend on the courts to uphold its agenda (re: the decisions against Trump shutting down immigration from suspect countries).  Now that is at risk:

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But Bernie, didn’t you Democrats already do that?

by Skip

“We will not allow Trump or anybody else to divide us up based on the color of our skin, our religion, our nation and nationality, or our sexual orientation.”

-Bernie Sanders at the annual AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast (WMUR News 9/3/2018)

Gosh, doesn’t that sounds exactly like the definition of the Democrat Identity Politics Totem Poll – everybody is segregated by skin color, nationality / multiculture, and sexual orientation on which they base their voting and priority messaging?  Oh wait – that religion part? Dems don’t much care for religion generally, unless you see their proclivities for socialism / humanism as a religion in and of itself replete with its own sacred texts, songs, assorted readings, chants, and high Priests. And then there’s these observations:

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