
Night Cap: Read a Koran

What does Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom have in common with Islam? Aside from the movie being a fantasy both are about murder/terror cults. Oh yes it is, kidnapping and slavery alive and well in the Muslim world to this day and feminists should be going crazy that in Islam a woman is worth 1/4th that of a man (Read a Koran).

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burning paper flames Image by _Alicja_ from Pixabay

Would Sweden Give Up “Free Speech” for a Shot at Membership in NATO? – Yes!

The Swedish Government has decided that being allowed to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is more important than the right to free speech or expression.

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Did Women in New Zealand Wearing Hijab Intend to Normalize the Systemic Oppression of Women?

Women in New Zealand are donning a sign of oppression in solidarity with Muslims in their country. The headscarf or hijab is described in the Koran as a barrier or curtain. It is not fashion nor is it a choice. It is required. What professor and former journalist, Asra Nomani calls “a symbol of purity culture antithetical to feminist values.”

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Rashida Tlaib Koran

Muslim Congresswomen Wear Hijab And Are Sworn In On The Koran

Two Muslim women wearing ancestral clothing took their respective oaths of office on the Koran prior to entering the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Omar used her late grandfather’s Koran. Rep. Tlaib used the same Koran Keith Ellison used. The media has made stories of the events. So, is this something to celebrate or something … Read more

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