For the last nine years, we have witnessed the evolution of the social pathology known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. Numerous memes have circulated on the web featuring TDS victims in various stages of the ailment, from the motor and verbal tics, more commonly associated with Tourette syndrome, to the violent behavior most widely associated with sociopathy.
Kevin Tyson
New Hampshire Needs Greater Diversity …
New Hampshire needs more diversity. No, not diversity of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, disability, mental illness, cognitive ability, religion, or veteran status. We need a greater diversity of views among the people we elect to rule over us.
It’s Time for Americans to Focus on America
While Amil Imani’s policy suggestions may make sense from an Iranian-American viewpoint, they make NO sense from an American-American viewpoint. America has been following policies aligned with his suggestions for longer than most Americans have been alive.
Neoliberals, Neoconservatives, And RINOs, They are All Whigs!
How did America go from the foreign policy Thomas Jefferson stated in his inaugural address of 1801, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none,” to Commodore Perry’s armed incursion into Japanese territory in 1853?