
Quick Thought: Karen Hewes

by Skip

From the Union Leader Op-Ed on what we call “Dems hating on Rich Girard” was this gem: Meanwhile, the student and her parents have a lawyer, who apparently missed the law school class on free speech and the First Amendment. If Girard doesn’t “immediately stop discussing’’ the student editor on public TV or at any … Read more

Yes, Steve, the Manchester Democrats really do hate Rich Girard AND lawyer Karen Hewes invokes the Streisand Effect

by Skip

MANCHESTER — An attorney representing a Manchester High School Central senior has sent a letter to At Large school board member Rich Girard, requesting he stop discussing her publicly or during meetings or face legal action, after he contacted her through a district-operated student email account regarding an opinion piece she authored in a student newspaper. The student, Rachel Phelan, 18, wrote an editorial in the Sept. 28 edition of “The Little Green,” Central’s student newspaper, urging support for city teachers currently working without a contract.

And said attorney is identified later on in the article as Karen Hewes of EdLaw New England in Bedford. Who accuses Girard of violating FERPA, the Federal law that protect students’ Personal Indentifiable Information (“PII”) as Grokster Ann Marie talked about here. Yet, I dryly note that her letter to Girard to stop talking about Rachel Phelan was leaked to the UL (do ya really think it was Rich that would have done that?).  Naw, this boob of an attorney

Sidenote: Wanna make a bet I’ll hear about that as either being sexual harrassment or politically incorrectly for simply using a common American English slang phrase?  First Amendment, baby – just like Rachel Phelan “outed” herself as an adult, so has this nitwit.

not is just trying to threaten Rick Girard – she also outed her client to everyone in NH.  Great job, just a great job. Which brings up the case – for fee or pro bono?  Truth or self-aggrandizment? Or just being self-unaware of invoking the Streisand Effect?  OK, to recap (thank you, Steve):

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