The smell of fresh Australian air in Julian Assange’s nostrils is a liberty neither he nor most of the rest of the world thought would ever be afforded a man who so tenaciously defied the planet’s strongest superpower. Credited with having exposed US military actions through the publication of documents leaked by whistleblower Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, Assange has endured a long ordeal. So has the First Amendment.
Articles tagged as
Julian Assange
Night Cap: Assange Is Up for Grabs in UK on 21 February 2024
Australia’s Parliament has finally passed a motion saying Assange should be returned to Australia. The vote was 86 Yes, 42 No. Andrew Wilkie, MP was the ringleader. Barnaby Joyce abstained from voting.
A New Request, Today. It’s about Julian Assange. No, Wait, It’s about America’s Reputation
Dear US Attorney-General Merrick Garland,
A new request today. It’s about Julian Assange. No, wait, it’s about America’s reputation — same as with the Mar-a-lago raid, really.
Julian Assange Has Been Arrested
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s welcome at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has come to an end. Last week it was announced that terms for his release and arrest had been agreed upon; today he was arrested by London Metropolitan Police.