This is a great presentation by Dr. Ryan Cole. It is loaded with facts, like how the average age of death of COVID19 patients in the US is 78.6, and the average annual historical age of death in the US is 78.6. Yeah, you read that right.
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CDC Reports Heart Inflammation in “Some” Children After Receiving The Jab™
Remember that time in May 2020, when the NYT reported that “15 Children Were Hospitalized With Mysterious Illness Possibly Tied to COVID19?” Here’s a reminder. The Media got itself in another tizzy.
OSHA – Employers Who Require Employees to Get The Jab™ are Liable For Adverse Reactions
The only way to make sure you never get COVID is to get the jump off a cliff vaccine. Say what? Yes, jumping has a more than 99.9% chance of death (and the vaccine will do nothing to prevent it). COVID, on the other hand, has a 99.9% (ish) survival rate if you even ever catch it.