Email Doodlings – Libertarians HAVE finally made a political impact – are they about to throw it away?

by Skip

I’ve been in a writing funk for a while now – too many targets, no focus, trying to run for re-election in my town, a couple of other projects, and I find myself stretched too thin (yeah, self-induced again).  However, the following came over the gunwales a few minutes ago, and the fog (smog?) that has settled in cleared for a few minutes rather quickly to respond:

“I would also say of Ron Paul . he doesn’t need to win. In his view he is  winning already. This is an ideological point he is making. But here’s why  it’s electorally significant . a lot of people, I mean 41 percent in  Virginia, only two people on the ballot, still a lot of people voted for  Ron Paul. A lot of those voters are portable. They’re not Republican .  they’re not dedicated Republican voters.” . Tucker Carlson, Editor, The  Daily Caller

It is time for a groundswell of Ron Paul supporters to quietly,  respectfully but firmly make their position clear to the mainstream media  and the GOP establishment. Simply put, “No Paul on the ticket means no  vote for the GOP in November.”

Alright, I’ll say it – with all of the levers of the Executive Branch at his command, and his willingness to use them regardless of whether he has Constitutional or even legal authorization to have them do the actions he wants, how much of this Country will be left?  In the news and in the blogosphere, I see agency and department in the Executive Branch doing what bureaucracies have always done – push their authorizations to do more and more.  And lately, there is a very disturbing trend that, under Obama (knowing that there will NEVER be retribution from him from doing so), they are making rules and regulations that totally disregard their authorizing legislation.

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