Elizabeth Warren’s Workers Plan

Elizabeth Warren’s Workers Plan

The name of Elizabeth Warren’s latest proposal is ‘Empowering American Workers and Raising Wages’. Media outlets are largely not reporting on the release.

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Soak the rich

Soak the Rich! Soak the Rich! Soak the Rich!

Tax Hikes on the Wealthy Alone Can’t Pay for ‘Medicare for All’. Over thirty two trillion dollars is a lot of money so soak the rich. That’s the analyst estimate of the 10-year cost of Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan. The two dozen, or so, Democrat presidential hopefuls are all either on the Bernie … Read more

Shariah versus the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Basic Tenets: Islam’s Five Pillars… Zakat

The basic tenets of Islam’s five Pillars are not arbitrary religious rights individually  Islamic tradition individually collects. Believers accept that they are a perfect. Believers accept they are holistic interlocking of spiritual practices divinely designed to engage human beings; in all that they are, all that they should be and can once again be. Sort … Read more

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