We have never lived in a “Constitutional Republic”.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”—Thomas Jefferson

N.H. House Rep. David B. Karrick, (D) Merrimack Dist. 25, Warner

These very words were not spoken…but put in writing on during an email exchange between house reps. Representative David B. Karrick, DemocRAT, Merrimack District 25, Warner stated in the Palm Sunday email:

We have never lived in a “Constitutional Republic“. Our founders created a Republic where the rights and privileges of the propertied citizens were greater than those without advantages or personal freedom.”-Rep David B. Karrick

During the founding years our forefathers ascribed to the notion

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So What If It’s Technically Impossible to Administer…

woman-spraying-perfumeNew Hampshire Democrats are ready to get serious about legislating matters that are important to New Hampshire’s future…so hey, how about we try to pass a perfume ban? (For state employees).

The important point to remember here isn’t that  a perfume ban was brought up in the last legislature and failed, and it is not that there is a need to discuss whether or not “how state employees covering their BO” might create an unpleasant environment–into which some citizens may be inconvenienced, it is how quickly can we use the power of the state to regulate it regardless of whether or not it would even work.

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