Grammar is hard. It’s harder if you’re a hoplophobe.

  Letter: Gun sellers are profiting off the coronavirus panic – Posted Mar 20, 2020 at 5:56 PM March 18 — To the Editor: In our time of health crisis, much outrage has been directed towards the people in this country who stockpiled hand sanitizers, face masks, cleaning supplies and the like. The scorn they receive is well deserved, … Read more

Democratic David Coursin’s 12-Step Recovery Plan…for recovering YOUR gun

H/T Northwood NH Conservative

**Attention All Law Abiding Gun Owners**

Do you want to register your firearms with the government ?
Do you want NH Constitutional Carry repealed?
Do you want a waiting period on all firearms purchases?
Do you want to stop all reciprocity carry agreements between states?
Do you want credit card companies to limit your ability to purchase firearms or accessories? ……..I don’t!

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