
“Why are illegal immigrants more important than Americans?”

Scott Presler is famous for doing jobs Democrat Sanctuary City Politicians won’t do. Clean up the streets of their cities. Improve the conditions of neighborhoods and homeless camps. Stop talking and start doing. But he has a question for them. One he says they seem incapable of answering.

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LA’s Newest Homeless Problem – They’re Dropping Dead in Droves

Los Angeles has become a city where people are becoming angels (or not depending on matters of faith) as the homeless population dies young. Well below average age, and not just from addiction or violence.

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Filthy, Crime-Ridden, Democrat-Run Cities Take Next Obvious Step in Their Decline

The majority of crime in the U.S. occurs in a handful of cities. Urban plantations run (into the ground) by decades of Democrat ‘leadership.’ Laboratories of modern liberalism that are the Democrat Party promise to the rest of America.

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