Responding to more useless advice from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), major retailers are changing their masking policies. Remember, the CDC once said masks would make no difference until they did; they didn’t, then they did. Well, now they do, but they don’t.
Home Depot
Homo Depot
Homo is considered a derogatory term in the gay community (though I beleive Gay Anthropoligists get a pass) so I called up an old friend of mine and asked him for permission to use it. He’s not an anthropologist if it matters. He asked why and I told him. I said, “Home depot promoted the gay lifestyle in a parade of some sort, but at about the same time wouldn’t let a guy who works in one of their stores wear a pin on his apron that said “One Nation under God.” (I’m paraphrasing)
“Frikkin Homos!” He said. (Not paraphrasing)
He is a Christian, and a Patriot, and he’s gay, and he supports the Tea Party, and the military (and he’s not a democrat) and is far more diverse and tolerant, and certainly more equal than those “homo’s” at Homo Depot. He also asked that I not name him because, and I quote, "some homo might give me s*i* for it if they ever read it and he’s got more of that than he can handle at the moment."
I guess election season has been rough on him. I don’t know. He didn’t want to explain it, and to be honest, I didn’t want to know. Sort of our own little "don’t ask don’t tell policy."