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NH Domestic and Sexual Violence Group Members Pose for Selfie With Alleged Abuser

Amanda Grady Sexton is the Public Affairs Director for the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV). Madison Lightfoot is a Communications specialist with same. Corey Booker is a (potential) 2020 Presidential aspirant for the Democrat party. He has also been accused of sexual assault or harassment by both a woman and a man. … Read more

Money Man Behind Marsy’s Law Busted for Possession and Alleged Drug Trafficking

Henry Nicholas III dumped a small fortune into the pockets of lawyers and lobbyists in New Hampshire to hoist his proposed constitutional amendment (CACR22) on the Granite State. Commonly known as Marsy’s Law, it rolled into the state with bipartisan backing and a governor eager to sign it. At least until the activist community peeled back the onion to reveal the rot inside.

A bi-partisan reversal of fortune killed CACR22 by a vote of 284-51. Advocates promised it will be back but will their sugar-daddy be writing checks from prison? Henry Nicholas III was arrested in Las Vegas yesterday in possession of copious amounts of drugs and on suspicion of trafficking.

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