The weather app on my phone is as reliable as any other weather reporting app, including the people on the news. There have been lots of near misses and too many not right at all, but now it is propagandizing me. Last week was mild, pleasant, great sleeping weather, but throughout the week, the App was waving” a high heat warning in my face.
Articles tagged as
Heat Wave
Biden Says July 2022 Third Hottest Ever! – Sorry, Try 17th, or Maybe Even 42nd.
This is probably one of the warmer summers we have had in New England in while and maybe where you live as well. But the only exception is that we’ve not had one like it recently, which might the why the Climate Cults US front man, Creepy Joe Biden, was prompted to claim it was the third hottest.
NPR: Blueberries in Danger – Me: Of Not Getting Mentioned in their Article, Apparently…Not Even Once.
My backyard has a lot of wild blueberries in it. If not for biting insects, we’d probably have more than we can use. And I like them (a lot – the blueberries) but not enough to give repeated blood sacrifices to the mosquito gods – but enough that this NPR headline got my attention.