Kate Miller needs a dictionary read to her to realize that “do nothing” is not a “further intrusion” (HB1659)

Both Steve and I had posts on HB1658, so when a local Democrat, Kate Miller (rather frustrated from having been tossed from the NH House in 2010 and has been writing very shrewish Letters to the Editor ever since) decided to decry even more “intrusion” into womens’ lives, I could not help myself:

“Laughter does the soul good”, or so the old adage goes. In that case, my soul is well indeed, especially after reading the latest dismalocumentary from Kate Miller (who seemingly is still smarting after being thrown out of the NH House for being a Democrat extremist by voters in 2010). Her personal jeremiad in attempting to paint the Republicans to where she’s already been cast borders on hysterical these last few months! One would think that she works in a plastics factory (the way she keeps grasping at straws)!

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Why should taxpayers be paying for more babies? Who really is the selfish one in all this? Enter stage Right – HB1658

Before getting into the quick discussion of NH HB1658 (“limiting financial assistance for mothers who have additional children while receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).”) that some Conservative has introduced, how ’bout this for a table setting?  This went viral back in December and while it was shocking to see a single women with 15 kids by 3 “baby daddies”, what was worse was the attitude display by her:

Somebody Needs to Pay For All My Children

Somebody needs to be held accountable, and they need to pay.

(H/T: Weasel Zippers)  The Welfare State gone crazy?  No, it hasn’t.  What is shown here is the actual logical endgame of the Liberal philosophy that allows bad behavior to continue under the guise of “she needs help”. Yes, indeed she does – but not the type I think she requires (think: a humungous dose of traditional morality).  Yes, those children are in a bad situation – no doubt about that.  However in this case,  the Liberal philosophy that places personal sexual / libertine behavior off limits for discussion is shown for the fraud it really is – and the result is now clear that it places lots of children at risk.  Tell me, Libs – how is this result showing “we care more than Conservatives”? There are Progressives that hold the State should not become involved in the intimate life of that woman (except when it is a minor female child – then they have no problem involving Govt in abortions without Parental Notification), but here’s the rub – they have no problem in having the State pay for the consequences of that philosophy.

Except they also expect us all to just pay for the cost of their failed policy. And that is where NH HB1658 comes in.

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