Supporting A Corrupt Business

Would you stand up in a public hearing and defend an organization implicated in aiding illegal activity, sexual abuse, statutory rape and sex trafficking?  What kind of people would?  How about democrats, union members, and greedy corporate stooges on the take? (oh, my!)

If it was anyone but Planned Parenthood, the national media sensation that admits it has a ‘training’ problem, the professional left would be storming the castle not just to demand why taxpayer dollars were begin given to these criminals, but when the bastards were going to be rounded up and put on trial.

There would be bus loads of angry folks protesting outside executives homes, harassing staff and customers.

Left wing bloggers, even at that sad little web site Blue Hampshire, would be disconnecting their brains from their keyboard, bellowing about the injustice and abuse, the violation of civil rights, and another destructive association by a political party full of hateful bigots and misogynists who view women as second class citizens.  A few of them might even ponder running a few people down in the crosswalk.

But this is Planned Parenthood, a national business, a big business, that makes plenty of money while using its status as a “health care provider” to milk taxpayers for money it does not even need.  And there are still a few people here in New Hampshire willing to stand up and say incredibly stupid things in defense of a business model that seems incapable of protecting the interests of the young girls it claims to champion from a life as an underage sex slave.

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What It Means To Support Planned Parenthood

PPProgressive-liberal democrats will present themselves at the hearing for HB 228 on Tuesday February 8th to advocate for the continued public funding of Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire.  So maybe we should ask what it is they could be advocating?

Planned Parenthood has been implicated in a willingness to conceal sex trafficking, hide abortions performed on minors and prostitution.

Trafficking illegal immigrant minors in the sex trade.

And allowing the sexual abuse of minors including statutory rape without consistent and prompt reporting to the proper authorities.

Now I am not claiming that Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire or New England is complicit in any of these acts specifically, though they may be, I cannot say.  But they are guilty by association and it is that association that by itself should exclude them from any taxpayer funded support of any kind–particularly for those who think giving tax dollars to an abortion mill is not reason enough.

Planned Parenthood is guilty at the very least for failing to ingrain in their corporate, medical and professional culture the need to protect and defend the lives and bodies of these young girls, these children, in every office, in every community they serve, before any other corporate, professional or ideological objective.

That has not been the case and those who advocate for them should be considered complicit.

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