Leftist-Progressives: Always The Dependable Deniers

“An individual, in promoting his own interest, may injure the public interest; a nation, in promoting the general welfare, may check the interest of a part of its members.” —Friedrich List

Last week the Union Leader’s Gary Rayno reported on a check made of electronic databases searching for potential welfare fraud. House Speaker Bill O’Brien is sponsoring legislation that would require Health and Human Services to cross-check recipients in an effort to save taxpayer money to root out potential welfare fraud.

Naturally, any astute observer who has long followed the conversation on public entitlements can nearly guess, as if looking into a crystal ball, what the push-back is going to look like. And true to their principles of class warfare and legalized theft, opponents of this effort are dependable.

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How About A Little Left Wing Charity?

In the virtual backrooms of GraniteGrok, we debate each other on the issues, candidates, and legislation of the day.  And we often disagree on the particulars or specifics, discussing at length their relationship to first principles that we in fact share.  In the midst of recent back and forth over HB 1658, which tries to disincentivize baby-makers from making any new ones while the state and taxpayers are paying the tab for the existing ones, something interesting occurred to me.

How  likely is it that the Christian Socialists and the lefts welfare-watercarriers will spend more trying to stop HB 1658 than it would cost them to just pick up the difference in the form of contributions to these same mothers as private charities?

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The Ascension of Democrat Voters

This started as a comment to Skips remarks on Neal Kurks bill HB 1658: ‘An act limiting Financial Assistance for mothers who have additional children while on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).  As usual, a few off the cuff remark exceeded the medium so I have promoted them here–and then some.

It should be interesting to see if the Democrats try to frame Rep Kurk, the sole sponsor of HB 1658,  as another Republican Extremist.  Ideologically he is a GOP moderate, his NHHRA ratings put him near the RINO category, and if anything he fits the Democrats Free Stater legislative profile (another left wing narrative) more than anything.

But he has gotten a 100% rating from NARAL and as far as I can tell supports wide open access to contraceptives.   So he’s all in on reproductive freedom, and fully embraces the lefts doctrine, right up to the point where it starts to cost taxpayers buckets of money–and then it stops.  With great freedom comes great responsibility.  Rep Kurk  understands that sometimes people need help, but that we are not meant to be slaves to other peoples freedoms, including so called reproductive freedoms, and to that end we have HB 1658.

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