The International Baccaluareate And Political Truancy

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.   Abraham Lincoln

Bedford students say issue is local control, reads todays’ Union Leader Headline. Over one-hundred Bedford High School students showed up at yesterday’s hearing to oppose HB 1403. Amidst cries of outrage over interference with, “local control”, leading the crowd was a young fellow named Michael Courtney, a Junior at Bedford High School.  The young master Courtney has undertaken the yolk of political activism and created a YouTube Video advocating the opposition of this bill.

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HB 1403 Is Good Law For The International Baccalaureate Program

“You know your in the IB if your school has this traffic sign posted in the parking lot: Caution: Kids might throw themselves in front of your car.”—Unknown

Jeffrey Beard, director general of the International Baccalaureate Organization writes today in our own local Union Leader. Mr. Beard extols IB virtues and advocates for schools to adopt an IB curriculum, while making a strong statement against House Bill 1403, Requiring a school curriculum and instruction to meet school approval standards only when the “curriculum and instruction promote state and national sovereignty … not subject to the governance of a foreign body or organization.(amended analysis from the bill)

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