farmland crops barley

The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control

A recent report produced by the World Bank leaves no doubt that what has unfolded against farmers in Holland, Belgium, and France is a precursor to globalist plans of food control and all food production (and diet choices) for humanity in the name of rescuing the planet from cows and destructive agriculture.

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Climate Farming Dreams are a Nightmare for Diners

A recent study of Burmese pythons concludes that snake meat is more efficient to produce than traditional livestock, making it a viable protein alternative to cows or pigs. Given the primeval human aversion to snakes, this menu item may be a harder sell even than crickets or faux-meat nuggets. However, the omissions and biases inherent … Read more

Why Famine and Food Shortages Grow More Likely Each Day — In America!

With a constant stream of Hollywood end-of-the-world calamity blockbuster movies, Americans are generally distracted from the real-life disaster scenario that threatens us.  Growing dependency on processed foods, often shipped long distances via crammed distribution systems, has created a vulnerability to food supply disruption unparalleled in human history.

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The Multicultural Destruction of Vermont

A person from New York recently purchased the 54-acre property next door to the house I rent in Brookfield, Vermont. I contacted him and told him I’d keep an eye on the place and ask him whether I could pasture my sheep and/or cows on the fields that he now owns (originally part of the farm we rent).

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Cartoon Cricket - grasshopper eat me eat insects

No Farms, No Food – The Bugs You May Already Be Eating

The new world of sustainable insects or bugs, fake food, and “re-wilding” our farmland (stay tuned for more). This is a follow-up to the article “No farms, No food” and the WHO, WEF, and globalists’ brilliant ideas to starve us into a fake bioengineered, bug-eating world while they enjoy “re-wilding” our farmland and eating meat.

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Ignite Hooked

A Restaurant Recommendation

I’m publishing this off the typical schedule because it’s not the sort of content we usually share. While we can write about whatever we want, most of it is politics and culture. But I just had dinner here, and it was exceptional.

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