Carol SEIU-Porter And Ann McKluster’s Biggest 2012 Donor? Anti-Israel J Street PAC

JStreet The Anti-Israel Lobby and PAC supports NH DemocratsYou are who you take money from, so the narrative goes, which on a typical day makes Carol Shea-Porter (SEIU-Porter) a union thug and Ann McLane Kuster (The McKluster) and SEIU-Porter both the Bane of the Unborn (up to an including partial birth abortion), and meat puppets of left wing congressional leadership.

Ann McLane Kuster - Supported by Anti-Israel J Street
The McLuster ....

So how does the J Street PAC factor in?  J Street is currently the biggest individual donor to both New Hampshire Democrat congressional candidates SEIU-Porter and The McKluster.  NH CD-1 Candidate SEIU-Porter has received $10,950 dollars and CD-2 Candidate McKluster has pocketed over $30,000.00 from the group, putting J Street at the top of both fund-raising leader boards.  And who is J Street?

J Street is the offspring of gazillionaire George Soros largess, and funded by the Soros family (and other mysterious foreign donors).  It lists itself as a Pro-Israel group, but its primary purpose is to funnel money into Left wing candidates and to promote anti-Israeli policy.

To quote Elliot Jager at Jewish Ideas Daily

Claiming to support Israel’s right to self-defense, J Street since its founding has opposed every measure Israel has taken to defend its citizens. It opposed military action to stop Hamas’s bombardment of the Negev. It abandoned Israel in the face of the Turkish flotilla frenzy. And it had to be dragged kicking and screaming to embrace even mild congressional sanctions against Iran.

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GSFTC Member Organization Spotlight -NH Citizens Alliance

There are a number of groups that the Left wing Granite State ‘Fare’ Tax Coalition highlights on it’s web site.  It’s your typical collection of "non-non-partisan" interests like the State Employes Union of NH (That’s the local SEIU 1984). The AFSC-which is the NH Chapter of a global leftist movement supported by all the nicest left wing foundations.  The League of Women Voters of course.  And there is even a who’s-who of left wing, NH social justice churches and their political arms, all promoting socialist activism and statist policy from the pulpit down to on the ground left wing activism.Socialism- Making everyone poor...

All of these groups warrant, and will receive, a proper vetting, but today I would like to focus on a special cog in the leftist machine of the so-called non-partisan GSFTC, one that happens to be very active in New Hampshire on its own; the NHCA.  The NHCA is the New Hampshire Citizens Alliance.  (You may remember their executive director, Sarah Chaisson Warner?  She received some unwanted attention after some remarks she made back in March of 2010. See also Here from the NHTPC.) The New Hampshire citizens alliance is…(drum-roll please)

…a statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to social, economic, and political justice.

A Non-partisan organization devoted to social, economic, and political justice?  Too bad that’s just not possible.  There are no right wing groups seeking these ethereal ends.  These are buzz-words, Orwellian constructs, created by statist agenda-driven socialists to mislead people.  So the NHCA couldn’t be "non-partisan" if they tried. But you don’t have to take my word for it.  Just look at who they associate with and what they support.

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