Grammar is hard. It’s harder if you’re a hoplophobe.

  Letter: Gun sellers are profiting off the coronavirus panic – Posted Mar 20, 2020 at 5:56 PM March 18 — To the Editor: In our time of health crisis, much outrage has been directed towards the people in this country who stockpiled hand sanitizers, face masks, cleaning supplies and the like. The scorn they receive is well deserved, … Read more

NHJournal – Maybe I jumped the Gun On the Importance of Spelling…

I may have been a bit premature when I titled my first Blog “NHJournal – Where Spelling Is More Important Than Integrity.

Just for a refresher, Shawn Millerick thought it would be funny to point out how I left a letter out of his first name and misspelled Pat Hynes last name (My spell checker keeps trying to change it to Haynes by the way).  Typos! -Going for the jugular.  And I pointed out that I could fix the typos but that his lying to his readers, for what I can only assume was as a favor to the NH-GOP political establishment power-brokers, might not be so easy to fix.  (And if he just did it for kicks and not the GOP would that be better or worse?)

While integrity is still an issue (now and forever) it turns out he has some other problems as well, and they are pretty damn funny considering.  Pull quotes from Mr. Millerick’s piece, please…

On Tuesday, the New Hampshire chapter of Americans for Prosperity bestowed upon GraniteGrok’s Steve MacDonald the lofty title of ‘Blogger of the Month.’

Actually, the news release is dated the 17th, which was Monday, not Tuesday.  Calendars were invented before 1925, right?  It’s also a national award from AFPhq, reported through the New Hampshire chapter if you must know.

And I did mention spelling…

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Making The Sausage

One of my readers did me the honor of pointing out a grammatical error I had made in a post, not once, but four times. He politely explained the issue, while pointing out that he still appreciates my work. For my part I knew the rule, but sometimes it’s not quite that simple.

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