The Republicans They Are Losing!

The New Hampshire GOP has run amok. It has gone lawless and rouge. If its elections were those of any government agency, Stephen Stepanek, Elliot Gault, Joe Sweeney, and Attorney Bryan Gould would likely be facing criminal charges. But since the New Hampshire Republican Committee is a “club,” they can tamper with elections and commit fraud with impunity.

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The NH GOP is Attempting to Overturn The Election of Grafton County Republican Committee Officers

The NH GOP is attempting to overturn the election of Grafton County Republican Committee Officers which took place at a meeting on Jan 11th called by Randy Subjeck (whom the NH GOP recognized as the legitimate Chairman).

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The NH GOP May Not Be to Trying to Disenfranchise Us, But the Results Say Differently

After sitting through the NH GOP Exec Council meeting last night (Mon, Jan 18, 2021), in hopes I would hear a possible solution to the Dec 10th caucus, I am discouraged and am rethinking my involvement with the Republican party in NH.

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Where is (Grafton Dist. 12) NH House Rep – Garrett Muscatel? Home – In California!

It’s a good thing the NH House is self quarantined from the statehouse because Grafton Dist 12 Democrat Garrett Muscatel is missing in action. Well, not missing so much as not residing at his “home address.” The one from which he ran for office in New Hampshire. That would be his ‘Dorm’ at Dartmouth.

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Corona - Stay Calm

First Confirmed NH Case of Coronavirus in Grafton County

New Hampshire health officials have confirmed a case of coronavirus in New Hampshire in someone who recently returned from Italy.

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What the Hell are We Doing?

by Rebecca Bailey It’s no wonder that almost 6,175 people voted in Hanover and 2,590 in Plymouth a vast majority being democrats leading to losses for County seats and executive council. (see quote below and view the link provided) Meanwhile, we the Grafton County and State Republicans, have in-fighting over ridiculous issues. We hang onto … Read more

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