This is so wasteful and stupid: Using police resources to benefit taxi cab companies.

No, no: "I gave someone a ride in my car and got a few bucks in return."
No, no: “I gave someone a ride for a few bucks….”

The Manchester police dept. proudly announced a “sting operation” conducted last Friday to “nab 5 criminals.” The crimes? A few people gave rides to other people and got a few bucks in return. You can read the entire crime-busting story in the Union Leader HERE. Wow.

Why is this waste of thousands of dollars of police time allowed? Really only to benefit the two companies holding the government-created taxi monopoly. These are nothing more than economic scams, set up to benefit one or two favored companies while harming the public and denying the right to individual choice. In my response posted to the article, I explain why. Here’s what I said:

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Senator Jeanne Shaheen – not only approves of Big Government superceding religious conscience but ok in directing private charity

by Skip

“We earnestly hope that you will put women’s health before partisan politics and reconsider this decision for the sake of the women who depend on both your organizations for access to the health care they need.”

Jeanne Shaheen Wicked WitchOne of the saddest (or is that sadistic?) things I have watched this week has been the pilloring of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure – private charity that specializes in fighting breast cancer.  Simply by stating that they were going to withdraw their $600,000 or so donation that they have given to the abortion mill Planned Parenthood, all heck has broken loose on the Left – how DARE a private charity stop funding one of Holy Chalices of Secular Progressivism?  As this snippet from Hot Air points out, it isn’t about the good they have done over the years (about $2 billion in charitable giving) but who it was that was no longer going to get their donation:

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