The Nashua Telegraph Has An Integrity Deficit

“There is hardly any mental misery worse than that of having our own serious phrases, our own rooted beliefs, caricatured by a charlatan or a hireling.” —George Eliot

Two days ago, the Nashua Telegraph wrote an Editorial asking, “Why does the NRA fear truth about guns?” Upon carefully reading the article and researching the sources (or lack thereof) to support the claims made by the Telegraph, the rank laziness, partisan advocacy of gun control, and an utter lack of integrity emerged in the Telegraph anti-second amendment article.

The telegraph wrote:

“Faced with government-funded research that contradicts

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Anti-Hunting Sentiments Are Alive And Well In The Granite State

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” —Genesis 1:26 (NIV)

Yet another anti-hunting hit piece. The ever-dependable Concord Monitor features such fare. In writing for the Monitor, Barbara Bonsignore provides the straw argument, Hunters claim that they kill the weak and starving animals, thus helping the population.” I have never heard any hunter make that argument.  Ethical hunters are consumptive hunters and our hunting ethos recognizes game animals as a resource not to be wasted.

Bonsignore…well-connected to the New Hamsphire Animal Rights League, (one source indicates she was its’ President at one time) makes several fallacious arguments and claims against hunting.

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Crybaby Concord Monitor Whines

“Let the other guys do the crybaby stuff…Go for the laughs.” —Rip Torn

Concord Monitor is deleting comments to stories about people who comment there on taxpayer timeYesterday Morning, two Concord Monitor Reporters, Ann Marie Yimmons and Matt Spolar, were excluded (Barred – their word, not mine) from a press conference held by House Speaker Bill O’Brien. The topic “de jour” was a discussion of  reforms to the ebt system in the state.

So what does Felice Belman, Editor of the Monitor do? She makes speculative statements.

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