You Left Out “Children and Grandchildren Robbed” …

The Bennington Banner has an article up applauding another bucket of someone else’s money. Vermont is allegedly getting 229 million for a broadband buildout.  The editors and the Banner left out a critical and necessary point in their headline.

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Federal Funds money cash

Data Point – What is not sustainable WON’T continue. How long can THIS go on?

The federal government set records for the amount of money it spent and the size of the deficit it ran up in the first ten months of fiscal 2020 (October through July), according to data released today in the Monthly Treasury Statement.

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US Debt

Fed Chair Warns America’s Federal Budget On ‘Unsustainable Path’

Wednesday Jerome Powell issued the caution due to rising levels of federal debt. Federal debt is created when federal spending exceeds federal taxation. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve was addressing the Joint Economic Committee.

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