new-york-times NYT

COVID19: Is the NYT Setting the Table for Biden, False Positives, Blame Trump, Crisis Ended!?

The New York Times (NYT) rarely publishes anything without an agenda. As the paper of record, it sets a fake news foundation for the whole media. They quote the Times, then someone quotes them, and look, it must be true. So, whassup? The NYT is questioning the PCR test and false positives.

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Covid test positive

More Than 50% of a Recent Batch of COVID19 Tests in Southern Vermont Produced False Positives

Yesterday we shared a report from a pathologist in Connecticut. As many as 30% of the COVID19 test kits provided by the CDC are producing false results. Not a reliable test. Today, Vermont is reporting that more than 50% of a recent batch of tests produced false positives.

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