Reading education sunset Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

It is Time to Repeal the Blaine Amendment in New Hampshire

The United States Supreme Court recently issued a ruling in a Maine case (Carson v. Makin) that is another major victory for parents trying to find the education option that best meets the needs of their children.

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Constitutional convention: yea or nay?

Legislators Vote to Include Religious Schools in Town Tuitioning Law

The state Senate on Thursday voted to repeal two state laws that unconstitutionally exclude religious schools from participating in state education tuitioning programs. Both bills were previously approved by the House.

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Towns can now Tuition Students to Religious Schools

In 2017, the Town of Croydon implemented a town tuitioning program.  While getting approval from the State Board of Education, it was told that no religious schools could be included in the program.

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N.H.’s tax credit scholarships must include religious schools, U.S. Supreme Court confirms

The June 30th U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue demolishes once and for all the false claim that New Hampshire’s Education Tax Credit Program violates the New Hampshire and U.S. Constitutions. 

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