Look Who Is Against Democrat Background Check Bill

New Hampshire Democrats attacked Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte’s vote on the background check bill by supporting the out of state anti-gun money Gun Rights winspent by New York City Mayor while bringing someone from Connecticut here to tell us how we need to support the same kinds of laws for New Hampshire that failed in Connecticut–as if we couldn’t make that choice for ourselves.

Well someone has a message for those New Hampshire Democrats and Mayor Bloomberg…

The mayor of New York City is running ads against me because I opposed President Obama’s gun control legislation. Nothing in the Obama plan would have prevented tragedies like Newtown, Aurora, Tucson or even Jonesboro. I’m committed to finding real solutions to gun violence while protecting our Second Amendment rights.

Who said it?

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Did NH Democrats Encourage Erica Lafferty to Crash Kelly Ayotte’s NH Town Hall?


Who in the New Hampshire Democrat party reached out to Erica Lafferty–the daughter of slain Sandy Hook Elementary School principal Dawn Hochsprung–to encourage her to leave her own state, which has all kinds of background checks for gun purchases that did no good at all, to come to New Hampshire and lean on our State Senator?

Talk about out of state influence.

With all due respect and deepest condolences to Ms. Lafferty for her loss, you are being played.  All you did was reduce your very real tragedy to a tragic comedy by coming to my state to intimidate my Senator for not voting to pass a bill that would not have done one damn thing to prevent what happened to your mother.  Or didn’t the Democrats, or the magazine editors, or the folks on the Today show, or whomever they’ve had you with or in front of tell you that yet?

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