“Athletic Performance” and “Longevity” are “Western values” Based on Elite White Bias

I want to be a feminist when I grow upTwo Feminist health “experts” included a chapter in their new book in which they mull “mainstream nutrition science” and how it “rests upon elite, white, and educated modes of thinking, and that the values mainstream nutrition promotes are “Western values.” “

No, they aren’t happy about that.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t feminism and therefore feminist health a white elite western value?

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OK, here is my definition of what an “Elite” is

by Skip

I love these meaningless labels you people employ to scare people. “Elite” why not “effete” why not “European minded”? Does an “elite” have lots of money, or is an “elite” just overeducated? Can you be a capitalist and an “elite” or are they mutually exclusive? Do you have to have travelled abroad to be an “elite” or can you be house bound and be elite as well? Please, go ahead and define an elite for me. Is Warren Buffet an “elite”? The Koch brothers support the NYC Ballet and Opera. That sounds pretty elite to me. Are they the “elite”?


I normally just let these things stay in the comment area, but I’ve decided to break my informal guideline.  The above is the comment left on my post here pontificating that the Davos Elitist founder wants to scrap capitalism.  He demanded I give him a definition, so I have:

For the most part, we use “Elite” in two different ways.  When talking about people that just exude excellence in what they do (e.g., Navy Seals, top rated artists, pundits like Krauthammer and Steyn), they are at the elite levels of what they do.

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