Municipal water fluoridation is a form of forced medicating by majority rule. If 51% of a community votes in favor of water fluoridation, the minority who don’t want fluoridated water have no choice but to purchase expensive filtration systems to remove fluoride, travel to collect spring water, or purchase unfluoridated bottled water.
Drinking Water
Lawsuit Challenges New Hampshire’s Ridiculous PFAS Water Rule as an Unfunded Mandate
We’ve provided extensive coverage of water issues related to PFOA and PFAS. Up to the recent ruling to impose ridiculously restrictive water standards. A massive fiscal burden crammed down on local municipalities and residents by the state.
PFOA v. Solar Panels: Proof That NH Democrats Are Not Serious About “Clean” Drinking Water
On one hand, NH Democrats pushed meaningless standards for drinking water that will cost hundreds of millions for no added benefit. On the other hand, they want to spend more to expand something that is an actual threat to drinking water.
NH’s New Lower Arsenic Water Standard Is Going to Cost You
House Bill 261 lowers the acceptable level of arsenic in our drinking water to 5 ppb. Much like the PFOA/PFAS scaremongering, there is no large body of sound science (I can find) on how this change will do more than benefit State agencies while wasting millions of dollars.