With the cold and flu season arriving and it being undeniable that COVID-19 is now endemic, we want our members to be empowered with information about early and effective COVID-19 treatments.
Dr. Ryan Cole
Attn: Merrimack School Board (and others) – Masks in schools
This is developing into an ongoing series of posts based on a handout I created and which was given around at the Merrimack School Board meeting on September 20. In this post, I intend to focus on masks for school children. At the end are two earlier op-eds from Granite Grok wherein I went after Nashua politicians for their mask mandates.
The ‘Experts’ At Yahoo! and Twitter Versus Reality
I keep stumbling across all manner of stupid this week. From Twitter to Yahoo to the Hartford Courant, ‘The Media” Social and anti-social, are showing their asses, and we’re here (with some small measure of enthusiasm) to spank them.
To the Merrimack School Board (and others): NO to the Jab! PART 2
This is a follow-up to my prior guest op-ed submission to Granite Grok regarding the riskiness of these so-called “vaccines.”
Must Watch: Dr. Ryan Cole Shares Affordable Treatments that work Against COVID19
This is a great presentation by Dr. Ryan Cole. It is loaded with facts, like how the average age of death of COVID19 patients in the US is 78.6, and the average annual historical age of death in the US is 78.6. Yeah, you read that right.