“D” stands for “downshifting”

“The choice is not between the governor’s budget and a better plan,” said Scott McGilvray, NEA New Hampshire’s president. “The choice is between Gov. Hassan’s budget, and one that slashes funding to our university system and shifts costs to already overburdened taxpayers ….” Easy for Mr. McGilvray to say as, according to GuideStar.org, NEA’s past … Read more

Is the NH Economy So Good That We Can Afford To Grow State Government by 16%?

NH Democrats cram 16% increases in budget down taxpayers throats

I know what you were thinking while you were paying almost four dollars a gallon for gas, or looking at your utility or cable bill, or thinking about how much more it costs to do the grocery shopping these days.  You were thinking, “Hey, times are so good, lets grow the size of the state government by 16%!”

You must have said that because someone in Concord seems to think they heard you say it.

What?  You weren’t thinking that?  Well you’d best get in touch with your legislator and tell them because the Democrat majority House is preparing to vote on a budget that will make your state government cost you 16% more.

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