TTartan Day in the State House

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s House Session (04/21/22)?

We learned that today was Tartan Day at the NH House. This is a celebration of Scottish heritage in NH and gave our State Representatives a chance to “show our plaid.” Many reps wore some sort of plaid, including the NH plaid.

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NH Recalls 15 Year Old ‘PB4WEGO’ License Plate

UPDATE: Sununu Steps In, ‘PB4WEGO’ Can Stay! Wendy Auger has had her vanity license plate for 15 years, according to Fosters. But, she just received a letter from the State telling her to turn it in.  Excretory acts aren’t permitted on license plates, the letter says. Her license plate reads “PB4WEGO.”  Something every parent has … Read more

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