biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse


Let the mockery and other memes begin.  And note the sign about “UnJabbed need not apply” – from New Zealand.  Medical apartheid is coming.  Remember this cartoon?  There is an insane drive to put a needle into every arm.  This is the new One-Worlder religion.

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Grok Open Thread - updated

Friday Open Thread – School Boards, School Boards, School Boards

I must admit, this week for me has been all about school boards and some of those sub-projects have taken my concentration away from the ‘Grok. Plus “Life” has done its fair share of distraction as well.  Not much I can tell you about the latter but the former is actually going along swimmingly and … Read more

Flag Mexico

The Body Count Grows As Congress Diddles

On November 5, 2019, ABC News reported on the killing of 9 US citizens, including 6 children, in ambush. The incident occurred in Mexico near the U.S. border. From the reporting, it appears violent Mexican drug cartels have committed a horrific mass murder.

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Put Your Phone Down and Pay Attention

Would you like to learn a little-known secret? For several years before I gave a damn about politics, I practiced writing column length articles. Hey, I like to write. The topic at the time was driving. Traffic stats. Driver safety. And my kids were going to be drivers someday, so it sort of made sense.

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