Joke: Three NH Democrats for Governor Walk Into A Debate…

Three NHDP stooges for Governor Maggie Hassan, Jackie Cilley, Bill Kennedy…all three of them want to raise your taxes.  But seriously folks….they do.  They all want to empower the state to take more of your money.  So what is there to debate? …How they disguise that desire.  But it is a distinction without a difference, or is that a difference without a distinction?

Whichever stooge you choose, Bill “No DGA if No Va-Jay-Jay” Kennedy, Maggie ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan (aka Bat Gurl), or Jackie “Tax and Spend us” Cilley, they all want to grow government right now, regardless of any economy, at your expense.

So Democrats need the debate to figure out which stooge will be the best liar?

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1.8 Million in Democrat Gov Funding For NH …99.51% from Outside The State

DGA NH has 1.8 million for NH Gov Race--, 98% of it from outside New HampshireBragging about how the Democrat Governors Association New Hampshire PAC is sitting on 1.8 Million in June of 2012 does tell us something about our Governors Race.  It tells us that Democrats can’t say anything about out of state campaign money polluting local elections.

Of the 354 pages of donations that make up the $1.79 Million advertised on the June 2012 DGA NHPAC filing I could only find 198 line items listing donors living inside the state of New Hampshire.  That is 0.6% of all donors listed in this report.

Of the nearly $1,790,000.00 collected just under $9,000.00 came from those New Hampshire donors.  That’s 0.49% of all donations. (99.51% from outside donors.)

Can we say with certainty that whomever the Democrats pick for their candidate out of state influence is a given?

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