Deval Patrick considering Presidential Run?

Former MA Governor, Deval Patrick, is reportedly considering jumping into the Democrat field of President. Just as we thought the field was starting to dwindle down, two candidates have ‘announced’ their entrance to the primary field this week. I don’t know what the count is now on candidates, but I do know Deval Patrick doesn’t … Read more

Bay State Bathroom Bill Bi-Pass (Get it? Bi-pass!)

I’m here to tell you that there are 188 very happy current and former state legislators from New Hampshire today.  That’s right, 184 democrats and 4 republicans must be beside themselves with envy after Deval Patrick executed an order that bi-passes the MA legislature and does for public employees in that state, almost exactly what HB 415 -2009 tried to do to the entire State of New Hampshire..

HB 415 – 2009 was the infamous bathroom bill, no not the $72,000.00 bill taxpayers paid when the democrats remodeled the State House ladies room just a casual saunter from former Speaker Norelli’s office door; I’m referring to the ‘Gender Identity and Expression’ bill that would require (among other things) equal access to all public ‘accommodations’ regardless of gender identity or expression–by law.  Feel like a girl today (sex offenders)–well go get one and hello ladies bathroom, shower, sauna…it’s the law.  Well, not here in NH.  The State Senate killed it.

But HB 415 -2009 was one of those bills the democrats wasted days and days debating (strong-arming no votes to ‘don’t votes,’ and democrat fence sitters to vote yes) while in the midst of the Worst Recession in historyTM.  You know, something to distract us from all the taxes and fees they had to come up with because democrats always spend first and tax you later.

And now with a flamboyant stroke of a pen, Deval Patrick has mandated that all public employees have equal access to same, regardless of sexual identity or expression.  Public schools are full of government employees.  How’s that going to work exactly?  (Democrats don’t think that far ahead.)

But for our Bathroom Bill supportes and the “NH House 188,” there is an opportunity at hand.  They can all move south to the promised land, get jobs in state or local government, or go into a public government facility, and use whichever bathroom they feel like identifying with, at any time. 

So let us reminisce about the halcyon NH House days in the "spring of 09," and review the final Roll call from the NH House passage of HB 415 – 2009 (on the jump.)  because it is always good to remember who it was that was wasting time on social issues during a growing economic recession. Or so I hear.



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