Bernie-Bro-Socialists continue to believe that a single person, or a cabal of such minded people, has the talent and wherewithal to control an entire nation’s economy. Easy – peasy, they say, with never a look back over their “History shoulder” to be abused of that notion.
Articles tagged as
Deirdre McCloskey
Notable Quote – Deirdre McCloskey
Mr. Appelbaum says, “the marketplace is not a state of nature.” Yes it is. All humans trade, from about age eight on. The earliest evidence of trade comes from the Blombos Cave in South Africa, 70,000 years ago. The market, he says, “is an artifact of society.” Sure, but so is art and language and … Read more
Notable Quote – Deirdre McCloskey
The High Liberal [Progressivism/Socialism -Skip] story is, in a few brief mottos to stand for a rich intellectual tradition since the 1880s: Modern life is complicated, and so we need government to regulate.