Do Nashua residents realize that when Mayor Jim Donchess tells them about the budget he only seems to be giving us “part” of the budget?
debt service
The American Jubilee
What follows is distilled from the beginning of Porter Stansberry’s book, The American Jubilee. The book starts with an assessment of the financial situation of America. If it gets your attention; it is inexpensive, readable as economic assessments go and thought provoking. Whether you come away thinking this is all wrong or convinced it is … Read more
A Shot Over the Bond Ratings Bow
Wednesday there will be a vote on a bill to make it easier for the state to back private projects with taxpayer money. We explore what this might do to the bond rating and debt service, who this serves, and what future boondoggles we might expect should it pass.
No Debt Ceiling Increase without Cut, Cap, and Balance
To the Editor:
Both President Obama and Speaker Boehner failed to deliver acceptable proposals for raising the debt ceiling and both failed to explain the real situation to the American people.
President Obama hasn’t provided specifics for a plan, he makes no real attempt at compromise, his desired taxes on “the rich” provide a minuscule income, he continues to lie about the Bush tax cuts which actually increased tax revenues and shifted more of the tax burden to the rich, and he continues to threaten seniors and financial catastrophe. (We hear similar threats every time our leaders try to pressure our representatives into doing bad things.)