Start Your Week Off ‘Right.’
What a great way to start your Monday Morning…Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012. Enjoy
What a great way to start your Monday Morning…Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012. Enjoy
He reads some of the explicit testimony from Prop 8 proponents in how achieving gay marriage will radically change the institution of marriage to simply being a sexual choice between adults. Kids? Not so much…. (H/T: The Corner)
Both Pete and Stacy, ‘Grok friends both, are at CPAC along with Grokster Mike and thousands of Conservatives and Libertarians. Here are a couple of their posts (text, photos, and videos): Stacy McCain It Was Almost My Pulitzer Moment Covering #Occupy, But Then It Turned Into A Madison Rising Groove Is This CPAC, Or A … Read more