Can You Choose Not to have Leukemia?

Sandra Fluke is making the case that allowing employers to deny contraception on religious grounds could just get so out of control that they (employers) might deny coverage for other things like….say…Leukemia. Hey -I just met you, And this is crazy.  But here’s my number…so Leukemia maybe? I am not quite sure what should be … Read more

HHS Gets Coal in Its Stocking

DRU486 The Abortion pill -Religious conscience arguments winning in court against HHS mandateemocrats insisted that business owners not only had to provide insurance (or get fined) but that the insurance had to cover contraception and abortion (day after) pills, even after Bart Stupak  voted yes! claiming…”There will be no public funding for abortion in this legislation. We’ve all stood on principle.”   That would be the principle of believe the lie to get them to leave you alone, or if you are the other side, lie until you get what you want.

The Federal Department of Health and (in)Human services has since dutifully complied and made “The Mandate” part and parcel with the Patient Affordable are Act.  So when a business owner in Missouri filed a suit claiming that the mandate violated his religious rights the court had to answer the question–can the government make laws that force you to act in direct contradiction to your religious beliefs under threat of penalty?

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S’Preme Court Revives Challenge To Obama Care…

Liberty University - Challanging Obamacare on Religious grounds
Liberty University – Challenging ObamaCare on Religious grounds

…on religious grounds.

S’Preme credit first to Hot Air, whose title I have assumed as my own.  And second, how about a do-over?

Liberty University had challenged the law on religious grounds courtesy of the insurance mandate itself, the HHS’ contraceptive mandate,  and the retarded left-wing notion that the government can prohibit any and every exercise of religious expression the moment it steps outside the four walls of the place of worship.

SCOTUS overturned a lower courts dismissal of that case –giving it new life

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It’s That Simple

I am still without power so content from me will be thin at best until further notice.  But that doesn’t mean I can’t try to start a row with 16 seconds of video. Yes, It’s that simple. Hot Air

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