Woman Consumer shopping

America’s Problem with Consumerism Is the Government’s Fault

At the end of every year, as we make our way through the holidays, you’ll hear no shortage of complaints about the rampant hyper-consumerism at the heart of modern American society. And these complaints aren’t without merit. Flip on the TV or walk through any city’s commercial district before Christmas, and it’s easy to get … Read more

Disqus Doodlings – Treehugger is so upset we buy clothes for ourselves….Part 2

And sometimes, one has to keep stating the obvious.  One of the commenters on Treehuggers’ H&M’s fast fashion is too slow for today’s shoppers post just had to wade in on the consumerist rage that these people show. I’d explain it but Chris Howard makes it abundantly clear how he feels about “shopping just because I can” outlooks.


Shopping for self pleasure, not want or need.

(Yes, I was mindful of Rule #1 here – a bit behind the line, thankfully!)

As I have said before, these kinds of folks could suck the joy out of finding a bar of gold! Put on the sackcloth and roll around in ashes is seemingly the message.  Thou Shalt Not Be Happy – the environmentalist version of the dour, cannot be happy” Puritans whose legalistic ways made my home church as I was growing up look like a Pentecostal rally.  That is followed by Thou Shalt Not Buy Something Just Because You Can – You’re Killing GAIA.  Yes folks, it is a religious outlook.  I tried to puncture the despair a bit by piling on just a tad (am I wrong in using pixel and bits in my guilty little pleasure here?).

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Internet Doodlings – Once again, back at Treehugger…this time, Mayor Bloomberg soda ban

Ah yes, the Nanniest of them all, Mayor “Do as I say, not as I do” Bloomberg wants to ban large capacity soda servings.  One more thing that “It’s good for you to NOT drink all that” as if sugary water is the worst thing EVAH!   Hey Bloomberg – how about concentrating on stuff that Mayors are supposed to concentrate on that would be more important – like murders and crime?  Potholes?  What about your failing public school system – what was your graduation rate again? Oh yeah, a rate of 65% but not ready for college:

Sixty-one percent of city students who started high school in 2006 graduated on time in 2010, compared with 59 percent of those who started in 2005 and graduated in 2009.

But only 21.4 percent of those students earned high enough scores on their math and English state tests to be deemed prepared for college and well-paying careers.

That’s the [success] ticket!  If 78% of your grads can’t go directly to college, that’s not properly educating your students (a MAJOR part of your responsibility).  Yet, that is of lesser importance than grabbing big cups of soda out of the hands of folks in your city?

Anyways, back to the Treehugger post (which isn’t as bad as some of the pro-ban pandering I’ve read):

When if comes down to it, the ban would only be an inconvenience for the die-hard soda drinkers. If you really want to drink 32 ounces of Coke, no one is going to stop you from ordering two.

Your ability to choose what YOU want?  Not so much.  They don’t see it as individual freedom issue – rather, an infringement on the collective having to pay for the bad habits of all us fat people.  My response:

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