Ben and Jerry VW van Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Ben & Jerry’s Says, “Hold My Bud Light!”

Okay… So, by now you have probably heard that Ben & Jerry’s, in a “Hold my Bud Light” attempt to see who can alienate the most customers with one Tweet, kicked off July 4th with the statement, “It’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.”

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T-2017-HRR-Progressives-are-the-new-Nazis TalkNetwork screen shot

Promoted from the Comments – Conservatives Need to Understand That Their Opposition Is Not Seeking Compromise, but Conquest

by Skip

I really liked Michael Graham’s piece that says America can’t fix anything lately – and Kurt Schlichter’s (Notable Quote) amplifies it. As always, I’m scanning the comments to both see what the temperature of our readers is while looking for thoughtful remarks that make good points.  Agent Liberty left such a comment here on Graham’s piece.

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JIhad word cloud

Muslims’ Insidious Objectives

Every organization has a mission or a mission statement with a goal in mind. They work day and night to reach their ultimate target. Think of Islam as an organization (not just another religion) with an ambitious mission. What is that ambition, you might ask! Here are some thoughts!

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Ilhan Omar

Islam’s Next Prey

Western Europe is on its last breath, and they know it. It was collective and deliberate cultural suicide by the EU leaders, and there is no going back. Once you are dead, you are dead. Now, the question is how far is America behind Europe in its own demise!!

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