Sober Talk From New Hampshire Democrats on Assault Weapons?

The Union Leader has an editorial out this morning that quotes some members of New Hampshire Democrat leadership as tip-toeing around the current wave of rhetoric and discussion on what to do about guns. Instead, they are asking what are probably important questions about mental health services but I suspect that their interest here is … Read more

Right Left Divide on The “Knowledge of Wrongdoing.”

Chris Donovan has seven staffers arrested by the FBIDemocrats and the media are all uppity about a Romney staffer yelling at the press.  I guess this is the next ‘Waterloo’ for the Romney campaign.  The fifth or sixth or fiftieth beginning-of-the-end for the GOP (presumptive) nominee.  Clearly a guy with a staffer who would insult the media is unfit for public office?

Meanwhile, the Speaker of the Connecticut State House, Democrat Chris Donovan (who happens to be the Democrat candidate for CT-congressional district 5), had seven members of his campaign staff arrested by the FBI for taking $27,000.00 dollars in campaign contributions to influence votes in the Connecticut state House.

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How Do You Create A Job?

How do you create a job? Easy question, unless you are a liberal democrat like Dick Blumenthal.  Linda McMahon asked this question in her debate last night with Dick whom she is running against for the a Senate Seat from Connecticut.  He didn’t seem to know how. (See Red State for the video). Oddly enough, … Read more

Cost of Government Day

According to the Center for Fiscal Accountability, New Hampshire residents work 226.8 days to pay for the cost of government this year. So go ahead and celebrate. Everything you earn after August 14th is technically yours to keep.
Who would have thought they’d let you keep 138.2 days worth of income from a years worth of work? What a bargain.

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