Title 2: This is not what Frank should be doing to impress his former core supporters for his upcoming US Senate run…
Yeah, really! Diane Bitter (Rye Republican Town Chair, NH GOP Area-Vice Chair, and NH Assistant Secretary, and MUCH more importantly, Conservative and TEA Party activist) reached out to Frank and his campaign LAST MARCH about attending this event (yes, yet another group she is involved with):
The Seacoast Republican Women is a well respected group all over the state on the Right side of the aisle. Diane is also well connected here in NH – and she is very experienced on putting on both large and small events all over the state. This is not a snafu on her part as from MY previous experience with her (and anyone that has worked with her can vouchsafe this), she does not leave important details to the last moment such as NOT giving a sitting Congressman a LONG lead on an event. She knows that to get a VIP, you ask early and stay on it. She did – again, the request went out in MARCH – 5 months ago. She was told soon after “No problem!”. Oh Wait!…