When you keep pulling bricks out of the Wall that is Society…

Interesting article to puruse:

Obama’s Social Experiments Are Wreaking Havoc on America Today

Can you see where this is going?  When you upset and then throw away long term Society’s norms built up over hundreds of years for the sake of “PROGRESS!”, why should anyone be surprised? Sure, some wrongs have been righted but then Progressives just had to charge over the cliff wall and take all of the rest of us with them (abbreviated, emphasis mine).

While the Left’s advocacy on social issues and identity politics long predated Obama, the former president’s policies supercharged many of the issues dividing America in 2018. His administration helped launch the current liberal cultural wave that wreaks havoc on American politics — and extends far beyond politics. Here are five key ways Obama’s policies impacted American culture, beginning with #MeToo, sexual assault, and Brett Kavanaugh.

1. The sexual assault maelstrom.

It all started in 2011, when the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) under Obama’s Department of Education (DOE) issued a “Dear Colleague” letter reinterpreting Title IX of the 1972 Higher Education Act. The OCR letter encouraged colleges and universities to set up what Harvard Law professors Jacob Gerson and Jeannie Suk called a “sex bureaucracy.”…

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Sticks and stones?

Via the Washington Examiner (Philip Klein): Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were … Read more

Confidence Man in Chief

Selwyn Duke at American Thinker gives us more evidence that Mr. Obama is a liar of first resort.  That politics and preservation, the accumulation of power come before all else.  The most recent example is Benghazi and Duke visits that point, but here’s the bit that caught my attention.

Appearing before a mostly black audience and speaking Ebonics-style (despite never having lived in a black community), Obama accused the federal government of showing cruel indifference to the primarily black victims of Hurricane Katrina.

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