The SAU21 School District earnestly asserts that without the citizens’ votes on 14 March 2023, the teachers in their schools will suffer and seek employment elsewhere.
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Taxes? We don’t pay no stinkin’ taxes!
Peggy Gilmour and I were both graduated from college in 1973 (it only took me three years). She went on for a graduate degree in nursing and I went o nto the family coal business and then some. Though Ms. Gilmour dropped off the radar screen for a period of time – at least according to the free bits at LinkedIn – at some point in our respective careers, we were both CEOs. As such, I would like to think that each of us had a passing understanding of state and federal tax codes and the implication of same on our respective businesses; truth be told, it did not take a rocket scientist to understand that the short version is – they either paid taxes on the income they earned or they were exempt from paying taxes on the income they earned.
So who is Megan Douglass, Esq. and why is she emailing teachers?
This morning, teachers at West High School in Manchester found an email from Ms. Douglass saying:
‘My name is Megan. I am a former middle school teacher, and I am a member of Organizing for Action/Manchester. I am writing to invite you to a rally that OFA is sponsoring, to call attention to education cuts caused by the sequester. The rally will be held on March 22, 2013, at 3:30pm, on North Main Street across from West High School.
I taught in Philadelphia and Charlotte schools. I found the job to be extremely challenging. There never seemed to be enough of me to provide for my students. My students and I worked in large classes, struggled with a lack of texts and supplies, and were often frustrated by a lack of parental and community support.
It’s for the children
I’m sure Mr. Cohn misunderstood, Deerfield teachers are prohibited from ‘striking’:
Crony Capitalism
The State Employees Association of NH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Service Employees International Union, is set to open talks soon with Governor Hassan. For those of you private sector pukes still workin’ for the man, I have three words, well, actually more than that, taken from the existing SEIU Collective Bargaining Agreement (which can be read … Read more