Attorney Paul Halvorsen

Right To Know Request Regarding Tampered Witnesses in State v Owen Labrie

Dear Paul Halvorsen, After receiving the letter from Stephen Endres in your office, who states that there are no records of Merrimack County Prosecutor Catherine Ruffle being informed by Concord City Council member Amanda Grady Sexton of witness tampering by former AG Michael Delaney during the trial of NH v Owen Labrie (which had been claimed by NH State witness Chessy Prout in her letter to the US Senate Judiciary Committee in Jan/February 2021), I looked into contacting the Administrative Offices per your original email suggestion.

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typewriter Me too Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

The Scandal of Owen Labrie and the #MeToo Movement

The US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights is working hard to push through new regulations for Title IX. It is an appropriate time to reflect on the White House and New Hampshire’s partnership and role in the kangaroo courts of the last decade.

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