Charles Krauthammer – a life well lived

by Skip
Charles Krauthammer
Image: Washington Times

I may not have always agreed with Charles but he was always a treat to listen to.  Reasoned, well thought, and erudite; those were the hallmarks of Charles Krauthhammer. He has just informed us all that he only has weeks to live due to cancer:

“I have been uncharacteristically silent these past ten months. I had thought that silence would soon be coming to an end, but I’m afraid I must tell you now that fate has decided on a different course for me.”

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Notable Quote – Charles Krauthammer on “Progressive Choice”

by Skip

“… it is more than slightly ironic that Democrats, the fiercely pro-choice party, reserve free choice for aborting a fetus while denying it for such matters as choosing your child’s school or joining a union.” – Charles Krauthammer, syndicated columnist, commentator   “while denying it for such matters” – Those that wish to make the … Read more

Prelude to November 2010 All Over Again?

Charles Krauthammer brings home the bacon on the White House Fiscal Cliff Deal effort to screw Republicans for nothing in return. Synopsis- Republicans are expected to detail every cut.  Democrats can just toss out a number with no details at all.  The whole deal stinks and while Obama has nothing to fear, other elected Democrats … Read more

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