It’s Probably Not A Scheme To Pass An Income Tax

NH Democrats fleece taxpayers againStarting with the downfall of the Casino bill in the New Hampshire House, voices started peeping about how this was really some progressive  plot to pass an income tax.  I guess the two were being connected somehow?  The Democrats voted the Casino bill down so they could use its death as an excuse to summon up a new broad based tax.

Fortunately for us the same House that voted down the casino bill never included the  assumed Casino revenue in their budget.  The State senate never included any casino money in their budget either.  No one except the governor did and her budget has now been through the House and the Senate sans Casino revenue of any kind.

So relax.

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Hassan already trying to pull an “Obama Blame Game move?”

Ask Maggie Hassan: What Pledge Did You Take?Well, it seems that Obama is bound and determined to blame his idea and his signing of the BCA law (that has brought the Sequestration to life) on the US House.  Oh, that rebellious Legislative branch, how could they EVAH go against The One as he grows Government ever larger and larger to Progressively “better perfect” us all (and achieve his salvation because he has brought our “collective salvation” to fruition in his idea of a Utopia on Earth).  It never ceases to amaze me, however, that he believes that he can usher in this Heaven on Earth by bullying absolutely everyone that disagrees with him.

And once again, we see the Democrats in Concord trying to emulate the Democrats in DC.  Didn’t we already have four years of this?  In the Concord Monitor:

Hassan: Without revenue from a casino, Legislature will have to make difficult decisions

(No, I’m not linking to the article because of their paywall).  So, Hassan automagically pulls an $80 million pixie dust amount of revenue out of thin air, puts it on a bright and shiny rainbow unicorn, and shoves it into the political war…

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