Somebody gave me this email that Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien sent out yesterday…

It went out to all the Republican State House members. It is about the defeat of CACR-12, the school funding constitutional amendment. It shows, in part, why O’Brien is so good at his job. He may be the best, most principled Speaker the New Hampshire State House of Representatives has had in the past 100 years or more. Read on….

Speaker of the State House Bill O'Brien

From: O’Brien, William
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 4:56 PM
To: Republican House Members
Subject: CACR 12 and House Republicans

Dear Republican colleagues,

Last March, House leadership held a press conference in which we announced that we would work with the Governor in an effort to craft a compromise education funding amendment. We said then, and still believe, that having the Governor’s support would be critical to achieving 2/3rd of the popular vote in November. That said, we also pointed out that if we were going to compromise with the Governor on passing an amendment, it would be critical that the Governor…

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Today’s historic vote on CACR-12: A message for wavering Republicans….

I haa an animated discussion early today with several members of the State House of Representatives. They will be called upon to vote for or against the awful CACR-12 proposed state constitutional amendment. CACR-12 will essentially do the bidding of the five policy activists in black robes on the state supreme court. But they are … Read more

The CACR Trojan Horse: “The perfect is NOT the enemy of the good in this case.”

Here’s an email exchange I’ve had with a good friend and a great conservative earlier today about the CACR-12 vote coming up tomorrow. It responded to my earlier post in GraniteGrok about why CACR-12 must be killed this year. “Tim: I am not sure I understand your reasoning.  The Claremont decision shifted power from the … Read more

CACR-12 must be DEFEATED. It is poison.

CACR-12 is the much-touted “educational amendment” that is said to aggresively deal with the egregious and outrageous “Claremont decisions” by the New Hampshire state Supreme Court. It does nothing of the sort. Here’s why:

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